Let's talk a little about the organizations I support

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Let's talk a little about the organizations I support

As you may be aware of, a percentage of the profit I make on the store goes to different non-profit organizations that help wild animals and their environment. Today I want to take the opportunity to talk about one of them, and in future posts I will be talking about other ones. I want to tell you a bit more about why I picked those, as some of them are not widely known while others are. 

Let me start by saying that I would love to support every single organization, but while organizations such as the WWF are huge and I love what they are doing, they do very well on their own getting donations and being recognized. Some of the organizations I support are somewhat smaller and lesser known. 

Let me start in alphabetical order by talking today about Defenders of Wildlife.
They say it better themselves in their about page. Following is an excerpt from their Mission Statement:

"Defenders of Wildlife is dedicated to the protection of all native animals and plants in their natural communities.

Founded in 1947, Defenders of Wildlife is the premier U.S.-based national conservation organization dedicated to the protection and restoration of imperiled species and their habitats in North America. 

Defenders’ approach is direct and straightforward – We protect and restore imperiled species throughout North America by transforming policies and institutions and by promoting innovative solutions. We speak with one voice informed by scientific, legal and policy expertise, hands-on wildlife management experience and effective advocacy."

And about their vision, this is what they write: 

"Defenders of Wildlife envisions a future where diverse wildlife populations in North America are secure and thriving, sustained by a network of healthy lands and waters. 

  • Diverse wildlife populations. Our conservation efforts are targeted at the full range of vulnerable North American biodiversity, from plants to pollinators to predators. While we do not set geographic boundaries on our work, we primarily focus on species of North America, including migratory and transboundary species that move freely across the borders or through the waters of the United States, Mexico and Canada. We recognize that we cannot protect any species without simultaneously protecting the habitats and other species on which it relies. 

  • Secure and thriving. We are working for the day when vulnerable North American species rebound to the point that they are secure—no longer threatened with rapid decline or extinction—and thriving in robust, well-distributed populations. 

  • Network of healthy lands and waters. Wildlife has the greatest chance of being secure and thriving if it is supported by a transnational network of public and private lands, rivers and coastal waters, core natural areas and working landscapes."

I love what they care about and what they are trying to accomplish and their approach to doing so. If you want to make a donation directly, you can easily do it by visiting this link. 97% of the funds they receive are used towards programs and support services, while the remaining 3% goes towards fundraising.

Thank you again, dear reader!

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